Sunrise or Sunset?
My answer was always sunrise. I believe that sunrise brings hope of new beginnings, joy of new endeavors and energy of new journeys. It is an opportunity to recreate better things, nurture greater happiness and fulfill bigger dreams.

But looking at the majestic sunset in front of me I came to a realization that it has its own miracles to celebrate. At sunset, there are many the reasons to rejoice--the blessings of a wonderful day, the fullness of the experiences, the pain of losing, the opportunity to grow, the realization of aspirations and it also anticipates the mysteries of the night.
Sunsets are moments of crossing over that is relevant in completing the cycle of night and day.
I ask myself again- Sunrise or Sunset?
[Words woven from the stirrings within during a solitary visit at Ligñon Hill, Legazpi City, one fine September day. Happy heartbeats.]
the little price said: "one loves the sunset when one is sad.."
or maybe, as Uling would say.. "its projection.."
sunsets may mean a lot of most it can be endings, and yet to some, it can be beginnings..
for lonely hearts, sunsets are bigsighs.. it can trigger more sadness.. but on the other hand, sunsets can also mean reassurances for sunrises..
reassurances that are as certain as dawns..
sunrise or sunset?
the heart will whisper..
sunrise or sunset?
they are just the same..
@Maya:i agree with the prince ang uling too... true, the heart will whispher...
@ anonymous: thank you for dropping by... i don't know if i agree with you... in time,i'll be able to tell...
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